How to add a new doubles partner:
Visit your doubles page.
Search and select the name of your partner in the drop down list. Only verified and active advertisers are available to be selected.
Send a request to your partner to be doubles. They will receive an email notification to accept the request. We also recommend that you contact them directly and ask them to accept the request.
If accepted, their profile card will show as a doubles partner in your profile.
Note: Doubles requests are not reciprocal. Both advertisers must send requests to each other to show on both profiles.
How to remove a doubles partner:
In your doubles list, click the "Trash" icon to remove that partner.
If you want to add them again, you will have to send another request.
Accepting doubles requests:
To accept doubles requests, click the accept button of the partner you want to accept.
Accepting a request will show your profile card as a doubles partner on their profile.